Before my wife underwent surgery last month, she set herself as a goal to help recover, a trip to Boston to go see two performances.
One was the Blue man Group at Charles playhouse and the other Richard Thompson at the Wilbur theater. Since we were going to be in the "neighborhood" I asked Ralph of the
Accidental woodworker if he wanted to meet nearby.
This is our trip
If it wasn't for the
ferry crossing from Yarmouth NS to Portland Me, I would have not wanted to drive around, with Heather so soon after her surgery.
This ferry crossing save us a lot of driving around, about 2 hours drive from home to the ferry, then about the same from Portland to Boston, well do-able.
Lining up to embark on the ferry, the Nova Star.
There was a group of Jeepster behind us (5 of them).
All the drivers were wearing wind breakers saying in the back;
The life of a blogger at sea...
I know, its a rough life :-)
We stayed overnite in Portland ME then proceed to Boston on the next day.
I did not found driving in Boston too bad, I'm from Montreal Qc, I have seen crazier :-)
We picked an hotel in the theater district, the
Marriott Courtyard in walking distances to our both venues.
Great hotel, perfect location.
First we went to see
Blue Man group at the Charles playhouse theater. That was an excellent show. One that you could take the whole family and you will all enjoyed.
The Charles playhouse was just behind our hotel, and visible from our room.
The next day we took a tour of the city with an
hop on hop off trolley
That was a good way to see the sight and not having to worry about driving and parking in town. The car stayed in valet parking our whole sejour.
Our tour started a block from our hotel.
Statue of Edgar Allen Poe.
Fenway park, home of Boston's Red socks
This historic Fire Station is still in service. Being classified historic
they are not allowed to modify the doors. The Ladder 13 and Engine 33 fire trucks are specially designed to fit inside. This station was one of the first respondent to the Boston marathon bombing.
Crossing the line of the Boston record time :-)
The Massachusetts state capitol.
Scene of the crime. Where the Boston tea party took place.
They have 2 replica of the ships involved, the third one is under construction.
Visited the USS Constitution, old Ironside.
She is currently in dry dock undergoing major restoration work.
They are using epoxy to stabilize the cracks. Ugly but effective, I have been using this method for years on outside porch beam structures etc.
I had lots of fun with my Habs's watch :-)
Statue of Bobby Orr outside the garden.
He was one of my favorite players back in the day,
even if he wore the wrong colours :-)
What a great concert that was, small intimate venue, in your face. Awesome trio of musician. Never heard of him before my wife bought the tickets, but he has been one of her longtime favorite artist, and she thought it may be our one and only chance to see him in North America. That was her goal to recover quickly to go see him. Im glad we did.
The Wilbur theatre, across the street from our hotel.
Sunday we went to the
Longfellow Wayside inn to meet with Ralph of the
Accidental woodworker and his lovely wife Diane. We encountered a nasty pot hole coming out of Boston, which ruined my passenger side tire. I had the tire replaced the next day, that unexpected expense put a dent in my tool budget :-(
The Wayside Inn, had a lovely lunch with Ralph and Diane,
Great historic inn, great food, highly recommended.
Ralph and I hit it off on the first time, and had a great time exploring the furniture together.
It did not took him long to find the secret drawers in our room's writing desk :-)
There was a lot of notes left inside, we added our own.

Dovetail details on the drawers
Front rail joinery, half dovetail
More dovetail's drawers in our room.
Once we explored all the furniture in our room, we left our spouses and went on looking and touching at all the furniture pieces we could get our hands on.
Playing detectives, trying to spot the reproductions from the original.
We had lots of fun together and discovered that we have a lot in common. Our spouses got along fine, so we decided to meet again, probably back home in NS.
Our spouses joked about leaving us downstairs in the woodworker kindergarden (my shop) while they go on do their thing, Ralph and I thought that was a great idea :-)
Back row L-R Bob and Ralph
Front row L-R Heather and Diane.
The next day, we explored the grounds around the inn
then made it back to Portland to await our ferry crossing the following nite back to Yarmouth NS.
Went on a small tour of the city and stopped at Rockler of course :-)
When I'm in the States I try to shop mostly on things I do not see back home at LV. Everything else is roughly the same price I pay at home.
Heh, look what I found dear, can we stop? :-)
Next thing we know, it was time to board our ferry back home
The ferry appeared from the fog
Our state room on the way back
Lovely view of the life boats, well at least it gives you a feeling of safety :-)
And it was a nite crossing anyway, depart at 2000 arriving in NS at 0800 local
On board we had the same entertainer we had going over,
Richard Watson
Great musician, we really enjoyed his music.
Made it back home uneventfully, safe and sound.
Had a great time, made new friends, had some great meals, even managed to do some woodworking shopping...
Bob, tired but happy