Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Puttering in the garage

Its pretty hot & humid around here, so I lugged up from the basement the two AC window units, one goes in the dining room window, the other in the Master bedroom. Normally I install them in June, but since we were going away to Boston in June, we waited till we were back, for security reasons.

Yesterday we spend most of the day at a friend place for her birthday, today I'm slowly venturing in the hot humid garage and started to make some room to assemble the Jointer base so I could put together the new mobile base I picked up for it.

500 pounds capacity should be more than plenty. 
I thought of buying the next size down, but wasn't sure if it could be made 
to fit the footprint of this Delta base.

Ralph had put all the nuts and bolts inside a small custom sliding cover box.

Its a signed piece, Aug 12 by Ralph Boumenot, very cool :-)
Its a keeper!

I gave the pieces a quick wiped down prior to assembly 
but would still require more scrubbing later.

By then I was sweating buckets, so I retreat back inside the house to assemble the mobile base.
With the base assembled, I can get my dimensions for my mobile base.
Roughly 22 X 26 inches.

Both together at last. Now I have a bunch of bolts to tighten, but 
it would have to wait for me to cool down back inside the house :-)

While I was puttering away in the garage, I thought I show you my Unisaw that I uncovered under a bunch of crappola (Tm of Ralph :-)

The poor thing has been rusting away since we moved in, 
no 220V  is available in the garage...yet.

That jointer will eventually live on the left side of the Unisaw, space currently occupied by my lawn sweeper. I have a few more things to cleared and moved but at least now, I can start to visualize how I want my space organized.
With the upcoming laundry room move upstairs against the garage wall, I will have 220 V inside, Youppee...

Bob, slowly getting some sort of organization inside the garage. Should keep me occupied for a while :-)


  1. Bob crappola has two p's in it. And that custom box I made it before I learned how to do dovetailed ones with Paul Sellers. I have quite of those style boxes in the shop but I like the dovetailed ones better.

  2. OK crappola fixed :-)
    Neat box nonetheless, I like it
